Legal and Regulatory Reform in Political Finance

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In countries around the globe, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) collaborates with all key domestic stakeholders – including parliaments, government institutions, civil society groups and media outlets – to cultivate effective and appropriate transparency and accountability measures. IFES works to build consensus around necessary legal reforms to ensure that the mandate of the political finance regulator and associated procedures are clearly defined within the legal and regulatory framework, and that the established system promotes transparency in political finance. IFES also provides assistance to political finance regulators in developing procedural regulations to clarify and expand upon the provisions in the legislative framework that provide guidance to electoral stakeholders on how to adhere to the law. This is accomplished through encouraging consultation of key domestic stakeholders and the facilitation of workshops and working groups.

Examples of IFES initiatives include:

  • Examining Georgia’s laws governing political finance and developing specific recommendations to encourage further discussion regarding electoral reform.
  • Presenting comments on the draft legislation relating to political finance in Nepal to the State Affairs Committee of the Nepalese parliament.
  • In collaboration with the Tunisia Court of Accounts and the Parliamentary Commission Responsible for Electoral Legislation, organizing a workshop to review the provisions of the draft amendments to the electoral code pertaining to campaign finance to and to propose concrete improvements.

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