Publication | Report/Paper

Timor-Leste Parliamentary Elections, July 2017: Disability Access Monitoring

For Timor-Leste's 2017 presidential and parliamentary elections, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems supported local disabled people’s organization (DPO) Ra’es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO) to conduct disability access monitoring. For the parliamentary elections, RHTO deployed access monitors in every municipality and deployed monitors in the capital city for the presidential election. RHTO detailed their observations in the report "Timor-Leste Parliamentary Elections, July 2017: Disability Access Monitoring," which summarizes key accessibility issues for persons with disabilities on Election Day. The report  also provides recommendations for strengthening inclusion in the electoral process to the Technical Secretariat for Election Administration, the National Election Commission, the Timor-Leste government, media and other DPOs. RHTO’s evidence-based report provides a platform for RHTO and other DPOs to continue to advocate for upholding the political rights of persons with disabilities. The report is available in English and Tetum.