Publication | Report/Paper

Evaluation of Pollworker Training, January 2000


The June 7, 1999 parliamentary elections in the Republic of Indonesia were a transitional step toward democratic rule and professional, independent election administration. Although, for the most part, election day was a peaceful expression of the franchise, the election was seriously flawed administratively.

One of the most glaring and potentially disastrous elements in the election administration was the training of the election day pollworkers or KPPS members. Through the ingenuity of some, past experience of others, and willingness to work extremely hard, the Indonesian KPPS members performed admirably on June 7th.  But adequate and timely training, clear instructions, and uniform and professional administration would have improved their performance.

The evaluation of the poll worker training program can be seen to clearly support the fact that the training was inconsistent at best, and/or non-existent throughout the country. In discussion after discussion, KPPS members support these findings and provide their own recommendations for improved election procedures and training.

This inconsistency permeates the entire administration from the manner and timing of the appointment of KPPS members, to the number of KPPS members in a polling station, or TPS, to the delivery of materials and instructions to KPPS members. Regulations meant to standardize procedures either did not exist, were unknown, or were ignored by the various levels of election administration.

It is essential that the National Election Commission (KPU) thoroughly review and prepare professional administrative remedies to correct these deficiencies before the next election. Only with uniform regulations and a consistent training program, which is professionally prepared and administered, can election administration problems be avoided in future elections.

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