Publication | Report/Paper

Focus on Lebanon | Civic & Political Participation Topic Brief


This topic brief presents the main findings from the SWMENA survey in Lebanon on civic and political participation. It includes an analysis of civic engagement through membership in different types of organizations and taking part in different activities to express opinions on political and social issues. Voting behavior is also explored in reference to participation in the most recent parliamentary elections in June 2009 as well as women’s opinions about policy priorities and factors influencing their voting choices.

Engagement in Different Types of Organizations

In order to examine the extent of civic engagement of women in Lebanon, we asked respondents if they are currently or had been members of different types of organizations. This shows the level of association of people with others outside their house and can be a reflection of how active and informed they are as citizens.

  • Data from the SWMENA survey suggests that overall levels of membership in different organizations are relatively low for both men and women yet they are lower for women: 18% of Lebanese women are members of one organization, 5% are members of two organizations, and 3% are members of three organizations or more. This leaves 74% of women who are not members of any organization compared with 66% of men.
  • Figure 1 shows that men are generally more likely to be members of different types of organizations than women: there are three times as many men than women members of political parties (21% of men vs. 7% of women). This is also the case for membership in trade unions and professional syndicates: 7% of men are members vs. 3% of women.
  • Women are however more active than men in certain organizations such as religious groups, charity organizations and women’s organizations: indeed more women are likely to be members of these organizations than men.


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