Publication | Report/Paper

Focus on Lebanon | Women's Freedom of Movement, & Freedom from Harassment & Violence Topic Brief


The SWMENA survey investigated the extent to which women in Lebanon felt they enjoyed freedom of movement without pressures from family or society. The survey also examined general attitudes towards violence against women and whether domestic violence, in particular, is tolerated or rejected by society. These topics were covered in an attempt to understand power relations within the family and within society in how it views women.

Women in Public Spaces

Women’s ability to move freely and safely in public spaces supports their ability to fully participate in the civic, political, and economic life of their communities. Therefore, women in Lebanon were asked how free or restricted they felt in associating with persons of their own choosing; expressing their views on critical issues to family members, neighbors or friends; leaving their house without permission; and moving about in public areas without fear or pressure.

  • Figure 1 shows that 87% of women feel completely free in the choice of people with whom they associate and an additional 9% feel somewhat free. Only 4% of women said they felt somewhat or completely restricted in their choice of associations.
  • A large majority of women (94%) felt completely or somewhat free in moving about in public areas.
  • Most women feel that they can freely express their opinions on critical issues to family members, friends, and neighbors.


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