Publication | Report/Paper

Overview: National Surveys of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan


Pessimism is widespread about conditions. Three-fourths are dissatisfied with the situation in Kazakhstan today, mostly for economic reasons, such as the worsening financial situation, inflation, delay in the payment of wages. Two-thirds state that conditions have deteriorated since independence.

No consensus on the declaration of independence. Among Kazaks the prevailing opinion is that the declaration was a "good thing," but Russians are more likely to see it as bad.

Most hope economy will improve by the year 2000.

·         Few foresee economic improvements in the next year -- as many say the situation will worsen (35 %), as believe it wiII remain the same (32 %) and 23 % predict economy wiII improve.

·         By the year 2000, a slim majority (51 %) predict economic conditions will have improved.

·         Public opinion results do not predict what direction the public wants the economy to take -- half would return to an economy fully controlled by the state, and 37% want limited government involvement.

Most do not foresee strife between national groups. Large majority (71 %) believe that relations among national groups will remain stable for a long time. This prediction is more widely expressed by Kazaks (84%) than by Russians (60%).

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