Publication | Report/Paper

Political Parties in Tajikistan (Facts, Figures and Analysis): Final Draft


The purpose of the present study is to familiarize a diverse audience in Tajikistan as well as readers abroad with the current political situation in the Republic of Tajikistan by providing a general description of the existing political parties and movements.

The work is divided into two parts: Part One provides background information on the development and functioning of pluralism in Tajikistan, and briefly describes the peculiarities of the political system that has been emerging up-to-date.  Part Two is comprised of detailed information on the existing political parties and civil movements.

The data was provided either directly by the parties and movements or obtained from public sources such as the print media.  The data for Annex B: Results of 2000 Parliamentary Elections is taken from the final elections observation report published by the OSCE/ODIHR in 2000. The work also relies on public opinion surveys conducted by the Dushanbe-based Analytical Research Center SHARQ.

The data in Chapter 2 Snapshot of Political Parties of the Republic of Tajikistan is presented in a standardized format, and with similar sub-sections used for each political party and movement:

• Brief background

• Status

• Internal structure and leadership

• Regional influence and social base

• Representation in government

• Membership of prominent people

• Alliances and contacts

• Leaders

• Participation in elections

• Work in parliament

• Platforms

• Contact information

In addition, where necessary specific sub-sections are included for certain parties.

This report was developed through the joint efforts of the International Foundation for Election Systems and SHARQ, with funding provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Read the Full Report.
