Publication | Report/Paper

Technical Assistance Project, September 1994 - July 1995

System Overview
 The Election Results Tabulation System (ERT) is designed to provide the N.E.B. with a means of capturing election results on a constituency level. The application provides a means of capturing results in a safe and secure manner. A program module to verify the constituency results to make sure they are correct exists. There is also a wide variety of reporting modules that generate statistical and detailed reports for management.


For each constituency defined in the Table Control System (TCS) this system will generate three ‘sheets’. Each sheet will have constituency results entered by one user. The results for one constituency must be entered into three sheets by three different people. This is to make sure all three people enter the same results.


A verification program is used to compare the entered results. The program will determine how many sheets have been entered zero, one, two and three times. For the sheets that have been entered twice or three times, it will determine if all copies are the same or different. An election is complete when all constituencies have been entered three times and all copies are the same.


As constituencies are completed (three copies are the same) a system administrator can use a program to 'freeze' the constituencies. Once the constituency is frozen, it can not be changed or deleted. This

provides a way of finalizing entered results.


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