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Elections Worth Dying For? Maintaining the Peace During Elections in Africa


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Elections Worth Dying For? Maintaining the Peace in Elections in Africa 


Election violence, an unfortunate and widespread occurrence in Africa, jeopardizes the underpinnings of democracy. Used as a political tool before, during and after elections, violence threatens the franchise and civil rights of all citizens. To mitigate this practice, it is important to understand its roots and address the issue at all levels. 

Featured Speakers


Elizabeth Côté, IFES Country Director, Guinea
Staffan Darnolf, IFES Country Director, Zimbabwe
Sidi Diawara, IFES Country Director, Mali
Gregory Kehailia, IFES Country Director, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Michael Yard, IFES Country Director, Kenya
Moderated by Almami Cyllah, IFES Regional Director, Africa