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Cyber‐Hygiene Tips During the Time of COVID‐19


Governments worldwide are working remotely, which is a golden opportunity for cyber criminals to sow chaos and make money. Get cyber-safety tips from the International Foundation for Electoral System' (IFES) "Regional Election Administration and Political Processes Strengthening" (REAPPS) program.


This newsletter was part of IFES’ REAPPS project in Europe and Eurasia, funded by the United States Agency for International Development and implemented through the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS). REAPPS was designed to address common challenges among Central and Eastern European and Eurasian societies. These include defining the role of government, fostering political pluralism, stimulating civic participation and channeling internal conflict into political institutions to produce democratic outcomes faced by transitioning democracies within Europe and Eurasia.

Established in 1995, CEPPS pools the expertise of three premier international organizations dedicated to democratic development: IFES, the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute. CEPPS has a 20-year track record of collaboration and leadership in democracy, human rights and governance support, learning from experience, and adopting new approaches and tools based on the ever-evolving technological landscape.