Publication | Report/Paper

Armenia National Survey, August 1996, Analysis of Findings


The International Foundation for Election Systems commissioned this national survey of the Armenian electorate as part of its voter education survey. The project was a joint effort of researchers and policy experts in the United States and Armenia. The project director and analyst was Gary Ferguson of American Viewpoint, Inc. The project director in Armenia was Ludmila Haroutunian of Yerevan State University.

The survey instrument was based on the core IFES questionnaire, prepared by Elehie Skoczylas, Christoper Siddall, Gary Ferguson and Steven Wagner. The Armenia questionnaire was based on the core questionnaire with country-specific modifications made by Elehie Skoczylas, Jim Stover, Christopher Shields, and Gary Ferguson. Modifications to the questionnaire were made following a pre-test conducted in the field by Haroutunian.


Personal interviews with 1,000 adults age 18 and older and living in Armenia were conducted between July 26 and August 8, 1996. The sample design is based on the results of the population census of 1989 ("Collection of Statistics," Yerevan, 1991) and estimates of the Armenian State Statistical Committee (1996). The sample is representative by sex, age, education, and nationality, in both urban and rural population of all 11 regions of Armenia.

The sample was drawn by a combination of random and non-random sampling methods. The multi-stage sampling method included four stages.

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