Publication | Report/Paper

Assessment and Voter Information Campaign for the Republic of Georgia, September - November 1995

The IFES Pre-Election Analysis Mission


Program Officer Scott R. Lansell and Linda V. Edgeworth traveled to Tbilisi, Georgia for three days in September 1995 to evaluate programming underway, anticipated, and needed in Georgia prior to the November 5, 1995 Parliamentary and Presidential elections. The two-member IFES team was in the midst of an on-site technical assessment in Azerbaijan and was asked by USAID/Washington and USAID/Tbilisi to visit Georgia to quickly assess immediate needs prior to the upcoming elections. IFES' pre-election analysis report (see appendix A), was delivered to the U.S. Embassy and USAID/Tbilisi prior to the departure of the IFES visit. This report outlined the appropriateness of further assistance in the few short weeks prior to the November 5 elections. IFES also delivered a concept proposal to USAID/Tbilisi prior to departure which subsequently initiated a 3-week, one-person, field assistance mission to assist the Central Election Commission (CEC) in its role to provide non-partisan voter informational print and broadcast material to the voting population. This on-site effort, led by IFES consultant Jose Montenegro, and ultimately supported by the CEC, produced voter information print, video, and radio material which assisted voters on ballot comprehension and election day procedures. IFES' voter information project also assisted the CEC in supporting election day participation on the part of voters.


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