Publication | Report/Paper

Azerbaijan, FINAL REPORT, September 20, 2001 - September 19, 2003


IFES finished its programming under Cooperative Agreement No. 112-A-00-01- 00022-00 by building on its past programmatic experience and network of election commissions, legislative, municipal, and NGO contacts in Azerbaijan. IFES program activities supported USAID so 2.1 - Civil Society Better Organized and Represented - by linking directly to the following IRs:

•         Issue-Based, Formal and Informal Associations/Advocacy Groups Organized and Active

•         Improved Capacity for Public Outreach, Awareness and Advocacy

•         Improved Organizational Management

•         Legal and Policy Advocacy Environment Supports Civil Society and Media Development

•         Increased Public Awareness of Legal and Policy Advocacy Framework

IFES activities resulted in enhancing IFES' voice and securing improvements in the electoral process, developing citizens who are better equipped to play an active role in their communities and meet the requirements of democratic citizenship, formalizing advocacy groups, increasing public participation by municipal councils through institutionalized communication strategies, improving the capacity for these councils to provide services and share information, getting IFES' message about democracy out to the public, and raising the level of information and awareness about democracy in Azerbaijan.

Read the Full Report.
