Civic Education Teachers Training Seminar in Nukus, Karakalpakstan
Civic Education Teacher's Training Seminar in Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan.
International Foundation for Election Systems in close cooperation with the Ministry of National Education (MNE) of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and NGO "Renaissance" conducted a highly successful CE training teacher's seminar in Nukus on November 27 - 28, 1999. In addition to 34 teachers from every school in Nukus, participants included officials from the MNE, the Institute of Teachers' Professional skills Improvement, City Department of National Education as well as a member from local CE NGO "Aral Dialog" and journalists. The purpose of the training seminar was to introduce teachers and officials with the IFES CE materials, get reaction to the structure of the course and materials, and familiarize them with the kinds of student group excesses. Prior to the seminar all attendees received a package of handouts, which included a CE textbook, anthology and teachers' manual in Russian and Kazakh languages. The Kazakh materials were useful for the Karakalpak speaking schools, because of both languages are very similar. The attendees were allowed to talk not only in Russian, but also in Karakalpak and Uzbek.
Read the Full Report.