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IFES and Sida Announce New Partnership to Advance Democracy


Today, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) announced a new partnership to advance Sida’s human rights, democracy and gender equality priorities and the IFES mission: Together we build democracies that deliver for all. Sida will provide core resources of 30 million SEK (approximately US$3.4 million) through 2023 to enable IFES to accelerate the execution of its Strategic Plan (2020-24). Specifically, IFES will spearhead initiatives to strengthen credible elections, anti-corruption, and democratic trust; expand inclusion and human rights, including gender equality; and improve information integrity and cybersecurity of critical elections infrastructure.

IFES strategic outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4

Head of Sida’s Unit for Democracy and Human Rights Staffan Smedby stated, “Sida is pleased to collaborate with IFES and provide a highly flexible core support. This will allow IFES to quickly adapt when needed, to expand its vital contributions to defending and promoting democracy which is at risk globally.”

“Sweden is a global leader in promoting democracy,” said IFES President and CEO Anthony Banbury. “IFES is honored to partner with Sida to support people around the world in pursuit of their fundamental human right to have a say in how they are governed. Globally, democracy faces serious threats. Sida’s support will enable IFES to build new capacity and develop innovative approaches to strengthen inclusive democracy where it is advancing and to protect democratic gains where they are under attack.”

The overarching objective of Swedish international development cooperation is to create preconditions for better living conditions for people living in poverty and under oppression. Sida contributes to greater freedom and openness for people living in countries in which democracy and human rights are restricted by prioritizing human rights, democracy, gender equality and the principles of the rule of law, which account for more than a quarter of its aid.

As a leading international, non-governmental organization working to promote democracy and electoral integrity, IFES partners with government institutions and civil society organizations around the world to build democracies that deliver for all.

Follow @TonyBanbury on Twitter.

Media Contact: [email protected]

Published on January 25, 2022.