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Randal Teague Sr.

Board Secretary
General Inquiries
+1 (202) 350-6700

Randal Teague Sr. is the former chief of staff and legislative counsel to U.S. Representative Jack K. Kemp (R-NY). From 1981-2014, Teague was an attorney and partner in the Washington, DC, office of Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP. His practice focused on corporation and tax law, international trade and development, and legislative and administrative government relations. From 1987 to 1991, during the Presidents Ronald Reagan and G.H.W. Bush administrations, he served as chairman of the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid of the U.S. Agency for International Development, for which he received its Superior Honor Award. Teague is now furthering interests outside of law practice.

As to elections and electoral systems, Teague was a protégé from the 1964 presidential campaign of IFES’ founder, F. Clifton White, and worked closely with him again and with IFES Directors David R. Jones and Leon J. Weil in elections in the early 1970s. He served as IFES’ legal counsel from its earliest months until 2015. He served as an IFES election observer in Morocco (1993); co-authored IFES’ publication Guyana: Technical Report of a Pre-Election Assessment (1990); served as the U.S. liaison for the U.S. Federal Election Commission commissioners’ bipartisan work in post-Warsaw Pact countries (late 1980s) and post-Soviet Russia (early 1990s); laid the groundwork for a U.S. Department of State-authorized IFES study of the election laws of Cuba (1997); and worked in various other capacities overseas for IFES. He participated in IFES functions in Costa Rica (1989), then Czechoslovakia (1990), Hungary (1990), Ukraine (1990), Venezuela (1990), Romania (1991), Bulgaria (1992), Palestinian Territories (1995), the Philippines (1997), the Dominican Republic (2000) and Egypt (2011).