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Elections in Mexico: July 1 General Elections

Mexicans head to the polls this Sunday to elect a new president, with hopes of economic progress and heightened security concerns. Mexico's election commission, the Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE), has made considerable reform in regulations concerning political finance, use of media and a more transparent voting and counting process.

Elections in Mexico: July 1 General Elections answers frequently asked questions on the electoral process and presidential elections, including: 

  • How is election administration structured in Mexico?
  • Can Mexicans who reside abroad vote in the elections?
  • When are the election results final?
  • Is electoral observation allowed and regulated?
  • Are there norms to guarantee gender equity in the nominations of candidacies? 


Download IFES' FAQ on Elections in Mexico in English. 

Descargar informe de IFES sobre Elecciones en Mexico en español.

Learn more about IFES' work and programs in Mexico.