Given the ways in which identity is leveraged in disinformation campaigns, the differential experiences of marginalized groups must be considered in any programming approach that seeks to mitigate the erosion of information integrity.
IFES’ Chain of Harm Framework and Applied Research Approach are used to tailor programming approaches, providing a lens to identify and address the interplay between identify-based hate speech and disinformation campaigns.
IFES also deploys a range of programming to build resilience among everyday users online and mitigate the harms that stem from Disinformation, Misinformation, and Dangerous Speech. This work includes media literacy trainings designed with and for leaders from marginalized communities; voter education campaigns that utilize the full reach of social media; fact-checking networks that build community cohesion as they counter misleading narratives; and tools to equip individuals and organizations to advocate for democratic values online.
IFES’ Inclusive Digital Advocacy Toolkit supports civil society organizations, organizations of persons with disabilities, and diverse advocates to use social media and technology in advocacy activities.