Publication | Report/Paper

The Civic Education Project in Romania, Phase Two, May 1, 1993 - April 30, 1994


During the Second Year, the IFES Civic Education Project developed into the leading democratic initiative program in Romania and made solid progress in achieving its overall goals. More than 1500 Romanian civic leaders have attended IFES "Vocea Civica" seminars that have been organized and conducted by the IFES Project in Romania since 1992. Leading NGO's have played an increasingly important role in the IFES Project by sending key representatives to the seminars. Thus prospects for maintaining civic education programs such as "Vocea Civica" seminars are tied to the success and sustainability of NGO's in Romania.

The central objective of Phase Two has been to strengthen non-governmental civic organizations in order to enhance prospects for developing a permanent civic education infrastructure in Romania. In order to achieve this objective, a variety of methods and projects were used:

•         Regular meetings and communications among NGO's to establish a civic education network;

•         Organizational development assistance for NGO's;

•         Diverse support services that NGO's are not yet capable of providing;

•         Resource Center for civic education materials and information:

•         Regional civic leader "Vocea Civica" seminars at which NGO's are invited to make presentations;

•         First annual NGO Forum.

These efforts are pan of a long-term program designed to continue through 1994 and 1995. An ultimate goal is the creation of an association of Romanian NGO's; the creation and sponsorship of the first-ever NGO Forum, held in March 1994, was a milestone in achieving that objective. The following sections provide detailed review of IFES Projects that were completed during Phase Two.

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