Publication | Report/Paper

Election to the Oliy Majlis, Republic of Uzbekistan: A Technical Review of Law and Process

Introduction The purpose of this analysis is to provide a brief overview of the Law on the Election to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and to provide commentary on some of its strengths and weaknesses. The law has been reviewed as a stand alone document. Other laws also come into play during election cycles, such as the Law on Political Parties and the Law on Mass Media. In addition, administrative adoption of resolutions, orders and instructions can reflect how the relevant laws are being interpreted and how its mandates are being implemented.

In depth comparisons might have helped to shed light on the total legal framework from which a broader analysis might have been drawn. However, the objective of this report is to focus specifically on the law itself through the view of fresh eyes, and to offer food for thought as officials, administrators and .election participants continue to evaluate the election process from within. The goal has been to try to identify potential pitfalls, explore ideas, share international experiences and offer some recommendations which might prove useful as lawmakers and election committees pursue legal and procedural improvements for the future.

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