Publication | Report/Paper

Bangladesh Pre-Election Technical Assessment (January-February 1995) for the Sixth Parliamentary Elections projected for Winter 1995-96


The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) is a private, nonprofit foundation that was established in September 1987. IFES is governed by a 13-member, nonpartisan and international Board of Directors. Since its inception, IFES has worked in over 70 countries with a mandate to monitor, support and strengthen the mechanics of the election process in emerging, evolving, and established democracies and to undertake any appropriate education activities which contribute toward free and fair elections.

With nonpartisan programs ranging from election law analysis and election implementation, to supporting organizations dedicated to education of the electorate and the building of civil society, IFES has a proven record of success working in a variety of fast-paced transitional environments.

IFES deliverables can be divided into two categories: project activities and information services. The project activities include pre-election and technical assessments; on-site technical assistance; election commodity procurement; voter and civic education; and election monitoring and observation. IFES information services include the establishment of the F. Clifton White Election Resource Center; conferences and election official exchanges; and development of in-country Resource Centers.

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