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Showing 51 - 60 of 62 results
Ensuring Electoral Justice and Integrity: International and Comparative Perspectives
Please join the Foreign Affairs Congressional Staff Association, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), and the Kofi Annan Foundation for an international and comparative discussion on the universal importance of credible and publically-accepted legal institutions and mechanisms to arbitrate electoral disputes. This event will feature a policy paper launch, panel discussion, and the opportunity for Q&A.
November 14, 2016
10:45 AM EST

The Seventh Global Elections Organization Conference (GEO-7)
On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, voters in the United States will cast ballots in the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election.For almost three decades, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) has supported citizens’ rights to participate in free and fair elections around the globe. Since 1992, IFES has hosted a flagship event, the U.S. Election Program (USEP), which brings together election officials, parliamentarians and diplomats from around the world to observe and learn about the U.S.
November 6, 2016
12:00 AM UTC
Women, Peace & Security Countering Violent Extremism: Where are the Women?
Join Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) for a discussion on “Countering Violent Extremism: Where are the Women?”
November 3, 2016
9:30 AM EDT
RSVP for "Violence Against Women in Elections" on Sep. 27
On September 27, join the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) and American University (AU) for the launch and discussion of the Violence Against Women in Elections (VAWIE) Framework – a set of tools and recommendations for understanding and reducing violence against women in elections. Presentations will be followed by Q&A, and a networking lunch.
September 27, 2016
10:00 AM EDT
Women, Peace & Security Inclusive Legal Frameworks: Empowering Women Through Rule of Law
Join Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) for a discussion on “Inclusive Legal Frameworks: Empowering Women Through Rule of Law.”
September 22, 2016
9:00 AM EDT
RSVP for "Persons with Disabilities in Myanmar: Securing Political Participation and Electoral Rights" on Sep. 15
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), in collaboration with the Bipartisan Disabilities Caucus, is pleased to invite you to “Persons with Disabilities in Myanmar: Securing Political Participation and Electoral Rights.”
September 15, 2016
3:30 PM EDT
Women, Peace & Security Women in the Military: Lessons on Leading and Women’s Expanded Role in Combat
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) are pleased to invite you to the latest installment of the bi-monthly “Women, Peace and Security” breakfast series, which explores current issues affecting women and girls in conflict and illuminates their determination and leadership to find peace.
January 21, 2016
9:00 AM EST
The Movement of Women and Girls in Conflict: A Discussion on Protection, Reintegration and Migration
November 19, 2015
9:00 AM EST
Assessing Nigeria’s Historic 2015 Elections
IFES is pleased to invite you to an event on October 1 on Capitol Hill to discuss the historic 2015 general elections in Nigeria, which led to the first democratic transfer of power in the country’s history, and present key findings from our recent post-election public opinion survey.
October 1, 2015
11:30 AM EDT
International Youth Month Breakfast Briefing: “Young Democracy: Engagement as a Deterrent to Radicalization”
August 26, 2015
9:30 AM EDT