Publication | Electoral Assessment

Political Participation of Women and Men with Disabilities in Tunisia: An IFES Assessment

On May 6, 2018, Tunisia held the first municipal elections since the 2011 popular uprising that ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, a critical step in the country’s democratic transition and implementation of the system of decentralization enshrined in the 2014 Constitution. The elections were the first time an innovative new disability quota was implemented for candidate lists, resulting in 144 people with disabilities being elected. The large number of newly elected councilors with disabilities provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate positive political leadership of people with disabilities and empower other people with disabilities to participate in political life.

Over a two-week period around the elections, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) conducted a disability rights assessment mission to look at the barriers and opportunities related to political participation of women and men with disabilities, focusing primarily on the preparations for and conduct of the elections. Key findings of the assessment include:


Political Participation of Women and Men with Disabilities in Tunisia: An IFES Assessment

  • While there is an inclusive legal framework, laws are not always effectively implemented or enforced.
  • The process of getting a disability card and related policies are negatively impacting the political participation of Tunisians with disabilities.
  • The disability quota is a positive measure toward making municipal councils more inclusive, but there needs to be more consideration given to how to make the quota more effective so that it empowers candidates with disabilities, with a particular focus on women and youth with disabilities.

IFES’ focus group participants identified a number of recommendations for Tunisian stakeholders, including the Parliament, election commission, political parties, disabled people’s organizations, civil society organizations and government ministries.

Political Participation of Women and Men with Disabilities in Tunisia: An IFES Assessment is available for download in English and Arabic and in Arabic audio format below.

(00:00) مقطع1_مجال خبرة المؤسسة الدولية للنظم الانتخابية
(04:05) مقطع2_الملخص التنفيذي
(08:08) مقطع3_الاستنتاجات الرئيسية
(15:02) مقطع4_التوصيات العامة
(33:09) مقطع5_منهجية بعثة المؤسسة الدولية للنظم الانتخابية
(37:27) مقطع6_خلفية الموضوع
(52:41) مقطع7 _الجهود السابقة والرامية إلى تعزيز المشاركة السياسية للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في تونس
(57:16) مقطع8 _الاشتراك بين الاعاقة والجنس والعمر
(01:01:45) مقطع9_الإطار القانوني للانتخابات
(01:12:12) مقطع10_التربية المدنية وتثقيف الناخبين
(01:20:25) مقطع11_تمويل الحملات
(01:22:42) مقطع12_سهولة التنقل والوصول الى محطات الاقتراع
(01:25:56) مقطع13_ مراقبة الانتخابات
(01:29:19) مقطع14_إمكانية وصول ومشاركة المسؤولين المنتخبين
(01:32:00) مقطع15 _التوصيات
(01:46:56) مقطع16 _الملحق