Translated Publications on Key Political Finance Issues
Controlling Money in Politics: An Introduction, a briefing paper written by International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) Senior Political Finance Adviser Magnus Ohman, examines some of the key problems with money in politics – such as abuse of state resources, undue influence of wealthy interests in the political system, and corruption – and how these key problems can be mitigated through formal regulation of political finance. Drawing from IFES’ global experience working on political finance, the publication outlines how rules regarding financial reporting, bans and limits on contributions and spending as well as the provision of public funding can be used to hold political parties and candidates more accountable. Additionally, the reference guide examines the role of civil society and media in oversight of compliance, and the importance of enforcement and sanctions in political finance regulation.
IFES has shared this resource, which serves as a practical guide to engage in political finance reform efforts, with election management bodies and civil society organizations in many countries. To date, it has been translated into Albanian, Arabic, Bangla, Bahasa Indonesian, Georgian, Nepali, Sinhala, Tamil and Ukrainian.
Read the report: Controlling Money in Politics: An Introduction.
IFES’ publication Political Finance Regulation: The Global Experience was written to further a broad-based, results-oriented dialogue on global standards and best practices in political finance. This book, which is the product of more than two years of seminars, studies and conversations with partner organizations en¬gaged in these debates around the world, addresses and offers practical solutions for four key areas in the field: the disclosure of campaign and political party finance; spending limits; public funding of political parties and election campaigns; and political finance enforcement and oversight.
Read the report: Political Finance Regulation: The Global Experience.