election FAQ

Elections in Ukraine: 2020 Local Elections


On Sunday, October 25, Ukrainian voters will go to the polls to vote in local elections. The 2020 elections will mark the completion of a decentralization reform process and significantly differ from the 2015 local elections, as new electoral systems apply. They are also the first nationwide local elections to be held following President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s transition of power in 2019.

Importantly, for the first time, citizens who have been internally displaced by conflict, and internal migrants, will be able to vote in local elections where they actually live. This has the potential to enfranchise millions of new voters and allow them to shape decision-making in their local communities.

To help you understand this important electoral process, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) provides Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Elections in Ukraine: 2020 Local Elections. IFES FAQs include:

  • Who are citizens voting for on Election Day?
  • What provisions are in place to promote the equal participation of women as candidates?
  • Will there be run-off elections?
  • What are election authorities doing to safeguard the elections and voters during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Learn more about IFES’ programs in Ukraine and follow @IFESUkraine on Twitter and Facebook.

Learn more about IFES' COVID-19 Survival Guide for Democracies and follow #COVIDxDemocracy for new analysis and innovative solutions during this time of uncertainty.

Published on October 8, 2020.