Publication | Report/Paper

Lebanon's Constitutional Council

On May 26, 2009, the Lebanese Council of Ministers appointed by unanimous vote the last remaining members of the Constitutional Council. The Constitutional Council is established under Article 19 of the Lebanese Constitution to review the constitutionality of laws and to adjudicate on challenges to the results of presidential and parliamentary elections. Five of the ten members are appointed by parliament and the other five by select members of the Council of Ministers. The "parliament" members were elected by vote on December 18, 2008. Council of Minister’s delay in appointing the five remaining members was creating a stir in Lebanese politics. There had also been growing concern among the public, political and diplomatic sectors over the possibility that the Constitutional Council would not be completed before the June 7th election.

IFES in Lebanon has released the fourth of the briefing papers it is issuing for the June 7th elections. The May 27th paper explains the organization and function of Lebanon’s Constitutional Council as well as the names and religious affiliation of its members.

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The firstsecond and third papers.